File Management
Set up manageable file systems and eliminate the piles of paper around the home
Establish routines and specific places for all incoming mail, receipts, business cards
Clean up current files and evaluate their level of importance
Digitize those papers that do not need hard copies; advice on what you need to keep and what you can toss or shred
Set up online bill payments

Photos & Memorabilia
Organize all your photos, both print and digital
Methodically, and patiently sort through the years of memories and souvenirs
Create places for them to be stored, all together
Designate specific spots in your home for new keepsakes to be seen
Archive and catalog your memorabilia
Create photo walls

Tax Paperwork
Create simple systems for keeping all important papers together throughout the tax year
Help to collate summaries for tax time
Learn when and how to shred old tax paperwork